
  • О.В. Турута доцент кафедри філософії Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки, Україна
  • О.О. Жидкова доцент кафедри програмної інженерії Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки, Україна
  • О.П. Турута доцент кафедри програмної інженерії Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки, Україна


Ключові слова:

robot, law rules on robotics, civil liability of a robot, intellectual property


The article discusses the main problems in the field of legal regulation of the functioning of the robots, definition
of “robot”, as well as the understanding, interpretation, and evaluation of the civil liability for the robot’s actions are
viewed in the paper. The article analyses the possibility of endowing robots with legal personality, as well as various
approaches to liability for damage caused by a robot to property or to a person. The question is raised about bringing
the robot to criminal and civil liability. The question is raised about the regulation of intellectual property rights to an
object created by a robot. If a robot creates music, a picture or text, who owns the rights to them: the robot developer
or the head of the creative process, whether the robot itself. The article analyses a feature that is very important for the
legal perspective of the problem – it is a turn from understanding a robot as an entertainment product to the direction
of development and research of social interaction between a robot and a human. The question is raised about the need
to adopt new legal norms aimed at regulating the legal status of a robot, liability for damage caused by it, as well as
legal problems of intellectual property associated with the functioning of robots. The analysis of the legal frameworks
regarding robots in different countries of the world is performed. The article introduces the need to develop appropriate
legislative support in the field of robotics: interpreting the term “robot”, determining the legal regime of its functioning,
developing a unified approach to liability for harm caused by a robot and developing uniform rules for protecting intel-
lectual property rights when using a robot. Legal regulation is necessary not only at the national level, but also globally.


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Розділ 1. Теорія та історія держави і права; історія політичних і правових учень