
  • H.M. Mehdiyev Ph.D candidate, National Aviation Academy of the Republic of Azerbaijan State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of Azerbaijan, Monitoring and Assessment Department, Senior Advisor, Україна



Ключові слова:

right to petition, historical development, ancient Rome, Common Law, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, First Amendment, constitution, civil procedure code, appeal, universal declaration, international covenants, European convention, parliament


The first legal mechanisms for both appeals and court proceedings appeared in the Roman state. The genesis of
the development of the institution of citizens’ petitions to government agencies is undoubtedly of scientific interest.
Some scholars insist that the right to petition to public authorities should be dated to 1215 with the adoption of the
Magna Carta. According to another group of scholars, the origin of the right to petition appeared lately, due to the
formation of political power. In any case, the right to petition to the public authorities stems from the need to protect
the relationship between society and political power long before the election, which created universal suffrage.
The right to petition to public authorities is the foundation of any democracy, because the law studied allows
citizens to participate in the management of public affairs and influences the parliamentary agenda.


Hazell, R. Magna Carta and its Modern Legacy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, 272 p.

Keillor, S. Should Minnesota Recognize A State Constitutional Right to A Criminal Appeal? Hamline Law Review, Volume 36, 2013, p. 399-402.

Kiria, G. Theoretical-Practical comments on reviewing court decisions based on Georgian Civil Procedure Code, 2002, p. 54.

Kobakhidze, A. Civil Procedure Law. Tbilisi: “Georgian Herald” edition. 2003, p. 22.

Krumiņs, T. Arbitration and Human Rights: Approaches to Excluding the Annulment of Arbitral Awards and Their Compatibility with the ECHR. Cham: Springer Nature. 2020, 334 p.

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly. Part B of General Assembly resolution 217 (III). International Bill of Human Rights. 217 B (III). Right of Petition. A/RES/3/217 B.

Shumate, T.D. The First Amendment: The Legacy of George Mason. George Mason University Press. 1987, 201 p.

Stein, G. Expanding as per the Process Rights of Indigent Litigants: Will Texaco Trickle Down? New York University Law Review, Vol. 61, 1986, pp. 487-88.

Tiburcio, T. The Right to Petition. Directorate general for internal policies policy department c: citızens’ rights and constitutional affairs petitions. 2015, 56 p.

Tsikhiseli, N. Historical review of the instıtute of appeal and its development characteristics. European Scientific Journal, April 2015, p. 182-186.






Розділ 1. Теорія та історія держави і права; історія політичних і правових учень